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The “air” is filled with PEACE

The “air” is filled with PEACE

Enough of Demonetization discussions! We are all tired of the unlimited forwards, discussions, problems we are facing…but one thing that is clearly emerging is that “there is Inner Peace in the air around us. We are breathing HONESTY. Our PM’s act has touched all of us, who hitherto wanted to liberate ourselves into the world of “RIGHTNESS” in every single field.

In this backdrop we discover a group of doctors, Radiologists, who have said they will not take REFERRAL FEES. Hearty Congratulations to them. Do you realize the magnitude of the impact this will have on India’s present healthcare scenario? A HUGE impact. This small number of doctors has made a vital contribution, eradicating an evil which was the single most important reason for the escalating healthcare expenditure.

A few years back, my niece who stood All India first in MD entrance exam told me, “I would want to choose a specialization where I cannot be bribed. Radiology is a highly corrupt specialization. Doctors are bribed. I am scared that I would also become part of this scheme. So I’m going for Dermatology where bribery is the least.” This young woman, just around 24 years wanted to make a difference. But, radiology was denied her Brilliance.

Let’s dwell on the roots. There is an urgency to accumulate wealth (black money too). There is this single question in every Indian’s mind, “What will happen if I become sick? Will my family be able to afford the HOSPITAL BILL? Will I be able to keep up today’s lifestyle after I’m out of the Hospital?”

The middle class opts to stay at home ILL because of the CORPORATE HOSPITALS’ “Catching” mentality or “Converting” mentality. I can surely say that there are many un-wanted surgeries happening just to collect cash either from the patients or from Insurance. There is a fear gripping people’s mind.

“We will not take Referral Fee” is the beginning of the end of all these unwanted “Conversions” of patients into In-patients. This is the first move towards “Prevention” mode. Move towards “Wellness” mode. Let’s celebrate these doctors. They are the real heroes of today.

We are trying to stay smart by accumulating wealth, thereby accumulating “ill health” only to pay to hospitals and look foolish during our final days. Statistically upper middle class is becoming poor because of the Hospital bills. Referral Fee is at the root of this problem.

Today, I’m proud to say, “True spirit of Independence is emerging only now”

Jai Hind. Jai RADIOLOGISTS. A few of you have taken the LEAD… the rest will follow.