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Marketing is EXPENSIVE ?

Marketing is EXPENSIVE ?

Who said Marketing is EXPENSIVE ?

When we really analysed the input vs output of the mega event Run to Stop the Bleed marathon, we realised that it was a huge success not just for one brand but for every brand associated with it. Collective Brand visibility achieved because of one successful event.
It was surprising that there was no conflict of interest amongst brands and there was no doubt about the market share for each brand.It was truly a brilliant event that touched everyone and provided a Win-Win situation in true spirit.
This was because all the players were confident about themselves and TRUSTED me totally. They believed that I would bring definite value to their brands.
To start with was Dr. Ram’s clarity. He was open and clear. He did not mind any other brand associating itself with the event (or the cause). He was confident of his unique identity, his specialisation whether it was TACT or NITHRA. He knew there were no real competitors.
Then there was Dr. K. M. CherIan, a real LEADER in word and deed. We could feel his warmth every step of the way. And his incisive guidance was amazing. A man much beyond mere words words when it came to understanding and leading.
Rathi Med Hospital & MMRV hospitals also joined the cause when we requested them to use this platform to give publicity for their hospitals. They were more than happy because they realised the worth of the cause, which was much bigger than the individuals associating with it.
HONDA CARS felt used this platform to unveil their new car because their target group was Doctors who were integral part this event.
When we look back at the whole event, we had funds coming from every direction to cater to the expenses. Funds came in easily for the cause and in return the cause gave the sponsors excellent visibility.
All that was necessary was a SHARP INTELLIGENCE, an interest to be transparent and magnanimity to embrace all brands.
I feel good and happy with the success of the event. It has proved that to be successful marketing needs to be intelligent not expensive.